Process of Assembling

These assemblages are the result of putting together different components, and pieces, I have created out of natural materials such as wood slate, stone, metal and leather, with some added objets trouvés, such as bits of old watches. Each tiny piece is cut, carved, sanded, dyed, textured or patinated. Using a limited palette of carefully chosen colours, I orchestrate the juxtaposition of shape, and textures Intuitively, into these contemporary panels.



Sometimes an artist experiences a creative flow, which is like surfing a huge wave or riding a bicycle at speed downhill. Ideas seem to come from the stratosphere and you just have to go with it intuitively. This piece, made of oak, slate, metal and leather, was very much like that, but it doesn't happen without months of making thousands of components that at the time, I knew I would use and trusted to my intuition to eventually tell me how.